Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

The Heart of the Matter

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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across the Seas

Clan Mother's Spirit Boat-6small 2011 [640x480] Sailing Across the Seas.jpg

Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way! Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across the Seas

Monday, January 23, 2012

Do You Hear

Do you hear

the scream of the storm?
the cry of the winds?
the sound of the waves?
the singing of the birds?
the call of the deer?
the quiet footsteps of cougars?
or the rattling rustle of a snake?

the voice inside of you?
that drowns all that out

the voice
that guides you

the voice
that holds you

the voice
which carries you

the voice
that speaks to you

every day
every minute
every second

oh what are seconds, minutes, hours, days
they belong to a system
which was only put over me

I do not care
I hear every moment
the voice

I need no clock

I'm out (streaming light abounding)
no matter
what I do
which I am engaged
whether I am dreaming
whether I should get up

the owner of this voice
dreams with me
wakes me
gets up with me on time

stands by me - when I teach
it seems
Math (rainbow colors) is the favorite subject:) - are you hearing the roaring laugh?

walks with me

along the brook
and makes me wonder

through the densest forest
and shows i can trust (light the way)

jumps with me from the highest cliff
into the river
but I'll have to jump first
being confident
that it's true 
what the whispers say
"I'm always with you"
it shows me the correct turn
gently puts me in the right direction
when I hear the voice (listen with your heart)

when I do not listen carefully enough
there can also be thunder sometimes - 

but also joyfully a loud called welcome

when I finally went upon the bridge with open eyes
and passed into the gate

since that moment this brigde is to my disposal
I hear the voice
every moment

she let*s me sing 
she let*s me dance
she let*s me 
and leads me always

I am grateful to hear and to listen
with a smile in the eyes
so they light the lights
the gems begin to sparkle

and the diamond gets polished clearer and clearer (crystalline stones of bountiful light)

it is his breath
that let's me breathe
it is HE (maleness is Color of the rainbow, light)
whom so many the claim of
that HE is not (denial of the greatness of man)

now - yes - 
all ways
from moment to moment
thank you

blessings to you
dear Relatives

Grandfather Holy Spirit
sailing on the breath of life
the oceans and the sky
and all the nine directions
elder white/star child
rainbow warriors of prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Too Much Light, What Do We Call It?

Much - light
or how do we call it?

is it much?
is it light?
perhaps more more

perhaps more light
and this even raises the question - or not ...

what is much?
what is light?

and where is much light
and where is light much
or is that all the same?

in harmony
here on earth
in harmony
there in the galaxy

in harmony
Here and there

that's all the same
and it is much light
and light much

dark and bright are melted

as today as
the sun with the moon
the one full of light
the other full of dark

and yet
the crystal is
clear and pure
it is cryst (christ/mas) - all

the sacred
the sacred
being ONE

that exudes
all colors

the world

Merry Christmas to you Dear Relatives 
wherever you live, 
wherever you stay,
I bless the nine directions in you

Grandfather Holy Spirit
elder white/star child
rainbow warriors of prophecy

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white.

Thank you http://www.links2love.com/christmas_songs_3.htm

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Thank you Cup of God for this Photograph!
Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Smile For Each and Every Moment

It is Always just "THIS ONE MOMENT"

In German it is called Augen-Blick
a look with the eyes

Within this word is what connects us
We look into our eyes

Am I able to look into your eyes?
Are you able to get this look?

Do I really want to see
What you show me?

Do you really want to see
What I show you?

Often it is just a smile from eye to eye
That lifts this moment and the following moments, too
An eye-contact in the same height

Wherein there is

Never any made experiences that bring one down

Just a
Wonderful that you are here
With me
In just this moment

Eye height makes it possible
To see the soul of the vis-a-vis

Is there sorrow?
Is there bliss?

There is no alternative to just this moment
There may be similar ones, but never the same

May the moments
the "Augen-Blicke"be shared
As they show up
With a smile

Free of any expectation

Come into being

From this
There comes amazement
From amazement
Comes common joy

This moment
Exactly this one
Contains all life
Full of magnitude

Lets share this precious magnitude
Full of gratitude
With a smile within our eyes

Blessing the nine directions
With all the colors of the rainbaw

Dearest appreciated Relatives
with all the love from my heart to yours

Grandfather Holy Spirit
elder white (star) child

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

"I SEA, the Heart of THEE"
Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Towards the Center

Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Archangel Gabriel

by Gabriele-Diana Bode
Son (Sun)

both carry the same name
and he seems to accompany me
again and again

you can google about him
and learn a lot
how he works
and so on
reading the bible ...

to me
he is my companion
one of the most beautiful pics i found
is this one

whenever i feel stuck
whenever i feel i have to go
into the deep dark hole
with my dear little ego
so that it is not alone there

only i little light with us
we know there is a ladder out of this hole
a silver ladder (looking at self truthfully)
then Gabriel shows up

mostly three times
in an email
in an image
in a ...

and i know
that i am never alone
that my guardian angel is with me
that i can go for my learning experiences
go through
let them go
and walk on with his companionship

my own wings grow stronger with each experience
become fuller
my heart opens a bit more
and my arms
embrace a bit more ...

i bless the nine directions - 
dearest Relatives - in you and me
we bless from the rainbow

Grandfather Holy Spirit
sailing on the breath
over the oceans of life

the prefect storm

Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Squaring the Circle Blanket

Squaring the Circle

bless with fire
bless with air
bless with earth
bless with water
bless yourself
bless each living being
bless the nine directions

and the butterfly within
will fly

have a wonderful 2011
take the moments as the unfold
as in each of those moments
is a big blessing from up
is a big blessing from down
is a big blessing from the heart of the universe

love each other
take care

and walk your talk
Sixteen Sections for two Holy Hearts, Perfect Love!

Grandfather Holy Spirit
white or star person
the perfect strom
sending kisses by like the little butterfly to your cheek
sailing on the breath

Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

Fractals of the Dream