Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!

The Heart of the Matter

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Monday, September 28, 2009

How I Learned That Love is All We "Need"


How I knew that LOVE is all we need to do...

One day I got a chakra harmonizing by my daughter –

In every chakra a little gremlin was met – this gremlin had many knives. 

With these knives he worked to defend whatever and hurt me till I bled and bled and bled...

We asked my guardian angel to take him – but with the next chakra he was here again ...
We asked himself to go where he came from – he did not go...

After having finished the harmonizing I began to talk to „my“ gremlin... I told him whenever I thought of him that he has nothing to fear – that I love him...

One day I saw him sitting on the floor without his knives but still very blue,
So I continued to tell him – to show him my love without asking anything from him...

This lasted about two weeks and then I saw my gremlin dancing through a field of sunflowers
Singing: she loves me – she loves me – she loves me...and he brought me a bunch of sunflowers...

And when we gave a concert – we had an orchestra with friends – I was the soprano singer – he came with his little violin and played it... while I sung the hallelujah by Mozart...

From that time I learned to give more and more love – to get more and more detached so that the love was for all and everything...
This is a doing that became being... nevertheless there is more love to be given.

And may I tell you that I get all the love back when it is given free from any condition and judgment.... and every judgment that still lasts in my thoughts is shown more and more quickly...to be let go...


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