I sing for the world, to know, how grateful I am for the reign/rain, and it's downfall.
The scabbard (sheath or case to hold the blade) does know, how we do open and close, the sword of justice, with loving rage. And the rainbow bridges the hearts showing the way where moonlight glows, to all this rage, but it's where our hearts learn to fill up and swim, in the great big lake of the unknown. Where love is living, like it's sown.
The honey drop on my finger is for you to know about the sweetness, I love you so. Sow, break/brake/rake out those leaves (relatives), bring branches that achieve (gatherings), reach out, to those who are in need. I am grateful to be here with you, because you are all the truth (heavenly soul brings wisdom), where my heart lingers in the wind, because I can be caught in your arms again.
And there is the flower of change that happened to come into the life, growing its little roots into the waters below, reaching into the sands of tomorrow, deep inside, oh so wide. Sowing the love and the frangrance of life, lullabies, our roots do know, the perfect show, where we are the devotion view. Perfection lies inside of you.
Passing the stones heart bringing its message too, crystal form, thank you, for blessings, always find a happy view. Stone river, the divine in me greets the divine in you. Together we are one Stone river. Stone river. Its us, the rainbow's view, ah hu (heavenly white light of the stream). The instruments play together in this light.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, deep and wide, our hearts provide, us with all we could dream, streaming belief, the song of angels chorus, we sing. Now it's time for all the orchestra to play. Now it's the stone river,embraced with dark, our instruments find the sounds to dance and play. In its flow we sit sometimes, in its flow we flow with. Round and round we go, the stone river.
Yes embrace by all the colours that swirl around, embrace all the sounds. Sometimes I am the stone, sometimes I am the river, sometimes, I am the glory of God. But always I am, all ways
the same, Godly, my waves just for you. Always true! All ways true sparkling God*s sounds and colors, I give you a hug from here to there and we ambrace this everywhere!
Singing between Grandfather Holy Spirit, elder white/star person and White Buffalo Calf Woman, elder crystal person (who sang what part below).
i bless you, i sing my blessing with a soft voice that is to be heard, in the stillness of the night
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
All of the birds, go tweet tweet.
And where the blossoms unfold, I hear the song unheard.
I sing for the world, to know, how grateful I am for the reign/rain, and it's downfall.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
the swan puts her head under the feathers, the eagle is in his nest,
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
looking for better weather.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
the lake shines the moons light
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
the eagle seeks, perfect retreats, the bonds of complete, where a pail is waiting to catch the falling rain.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
the swan offers pureness
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
the gentle breeze of nearness.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
with an open heart
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
The scabbard (sheath or case to hold the blade of a sword, dagger, etc) does know, how we do open and close, the sword of justice, with loving rage.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
and the rainbow bridges the hearts showing the way
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
where moonlight glows, to all this rage, but it's where our hearts learn to fill up and swim, in the great big lake of the unknown. Where love is living, like it's sown.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
the honey drop on my finger is for you to know about the sweetness, i love you so
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
Sow, break/brake out those leaves, bring branches that achieve, reach out, to those who are in need.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
i am grateful to be here with you
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
Because you are all the truth, where my heart lingers in the wind, because I can be caught in your arms again.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
and there is the flower of change that happened to come into the life, growing its little roots into the waters below
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
reaching into the sands of tomorrow, deep inside, oh so wide
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
showing the love and the frangrance of life,
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
lullabies, our roots do know, the perfect show, where we are the devotion view. Perfection lies inside of you.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
passing the stones heart bringing its message too
White Buffalo Calf Woman: crystal form, thank you, for blessings, always find a happy view. Stone river.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
the divine in me greets the divine in you together we are one
White Buffalo Calf Woman: Stone river. Stone river. Its us, the rainbow's view. ah hu (heavenly white light of grandfather)
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
the instruments play together in this light, thank you from the bottom of my heart
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
deep and wide, our hearts provide, us with all we could dream, streaming belief, the song of angels chorus, we sing. Now it's time for all the orchestra to play. Now it's the stone river. embraced with dark, our instruments find the sounds to dance and play.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
in its flow we sit sometimes, in its flow we flow with (round and round we go)
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
the stone river.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
yes embrace by all the colours that swirrle around
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
embrace all the sounds
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
sometime i am the stone, sometimes i am the river
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
sometimes, I am the glory of God.
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
always i am, all ways
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
the same, Godly, my waves just for you. always true!
Grandfather Holy Spirit Sails Across:
all ways true sparkling God*s sounds and colors, I give you a hug from here to there and we ambrace this everywhere!
Grandfather Holy Spirit Dream:

Interpretation from White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Castles are the house of God, a fortress, four walls, pillars at each corner, hanging in the sky. You are a queen, because as Grandfather light, you are the taken care of one, just like royal family, since we are all royal family. If he is King (male, light, flesh), you are Queen (female, dark, soul), a marriage, is under way, to merge together, to feel the weather in the house of God, where all things bloom. Some are crown some are not, but all belong to the blue, but only those of the royal blue, take their place. You have taken your place. Rooms are open, only if they know how to get inside. What often happens, is that this shelter is given freely, but many don't enter. When one does not respect gifts, they will not show gratitude. Gratitude is the trust of Godly love.
When we lock eyes, we look into the soul of others. Here, recognition came only after being aggressively in someone's face, to show them love is within. This is for all the world, heaven and earth. It often feels easier for us to move in the heavenly space, where we are from (white/star person and a crystal person) and, but not always as easy on the earthly plane for us heavenly beings. Real love, must be forced upon others, because of pain that rejects us. Forgiveness carries us through. However, true love must enter, to be known, to be felt, then understanding comes more readily, but not always. It's more like they don't want to forgive, they hang on to hate instead, rather than move forward. I feel sometimes it's timing, when and how, to serve others along the path.
There is only one law, it's the law of love, the red road, not constant (wave particle, where one must return home). The blue road is constant (waves in general, always home). When we take our place in the universe, being what is written in our book of life, then we know our destiny, living in blissful happiness. We are able to take our place. But if we do not know ourselves, not seeking to know self, then we disregard our selves and our book of life. We are unhappy, misery sets in, and we start to blame self and others too. To get persons to take their place, means we must be aggressive in the ability to show true love. Severing ignorance, brings truth, what often the earthly realm doesn't want to know.
A balcony is a place, where you must climb stairs to reach. Stairs are evolutionary steps to ascending but also descending. Our eternal souls journey downward, spiraling, when we learn the lessons of love, treasures are born. But as we ascend, our children bring us eternal life, always a new body, to move into. This creates motion of going and returning, like waves in the ocean. When our relatives, leave with open hearts and return with open hearts, happiness is known. This is the returning of brotherhood and where sisterhood, stands up, for love. We become the tears of tomorrow, by nourishing the roots of today. This provides us with nourishment of the spirit and the flesh, for the mote has two reasons. One is to protect and the other is to embrace. The Lake (any body of water) offers us paradise, if we only use the tools and take our place. But if we do not, we don't have this perfect view. This is the view, looking out windows and doors. The view, is a perspective of us from within, looking out into the world.
If a rainbow person (cosmic mother) writes much, but does not share with our group, nor teach anything learned from our hoops/groups with the outside world, then there is much conflict with self. This is much of this behavior in the world at large. They simply don't know how to share. However this is the beginning of evolution, when dreams come true, because we shall learn to take our places within the natural universe around us. Taking our place, means we must elevate ourselves, into the perfection we are. The only the law, is love, which will bring this into fruition. Teaching others to do this, brings in castles in the sky. Where rooms are available to share and dream.
Even though, we have hoops, the person, who brings in outsiders is usually me. Which really should be everyone else (for this is not my job). But because they do not take their place, I go outwardly and sing the songs of heaven, which often draw them in/near our hearts. Your dream vision, shares the heavenly values which need to be taught upon this earth. And yes, right now, we have hundreds and hundreds of members on the hoops/groups. Soon, we are going to move all members on hoop 4,3,2,1 to RainbowClan. This group/hoop 5 Grandmothers of the Green Grass, a Sanctuary for all the Rainbow Clan, including children, will be run by Jim Rushing River. He is golden (father), rainbow (mother), green (oneness spiritual embrace). WE will keep the hoops, but also form a village. Everyone will be on a hoop. Working their way up learning about evolution, to become warriors and eventually elders. Those who take their place, are those who do what they say and say what they do, united to the perfect clues, God gifts to us, if we only listen with our hearts, all has to be conceived, the perfect dream. Thank you Oneness, relatives, for every single thing.
Grandfather Veronika Holy Spirit:
And I feel it and I live it now in each cell, yes this is true, in my fathers (Great Spirit Father) house are many rooms :) Yes gratitude is a big thing to have and I am grateful for everything that enters my life. Yes I knew it was necessary for her (in the dream, the soul that needed to be released). I wanted her to do it for all the people. Yes, forgiveness. Some are not yet ready for it. But the more I show them how to bless the better they get :) With blessing they learn to forgive too. Yes - one does not press it (the matter) to them. Sometimes just waiting a bit makes it happen, while giving blessings. Yes so true. Yes - and you helped me a lot and a lot to come to the place in the castle (heavenly home on earth). And I do (take my place). I do my very best dear/Deer Mother you know. Yes this is rainbows ... very often in conflict wth themselves. I have to write in German lots of postings. There are so many who do not know English. And there are many who read the posts now. I feel that we (golden person and white/star person) two can show people how real love is to be lived. To descend into the fruitful valleys into the lake that is beneath the castle, where the swans live (pureness) and the one who flies with the eagle (holiness). We always have to remember our tools (of light and sound). So true. Dear Mother (Twin Deer Mother) thank you so much for the time you spent with me. I will not longer hold you from your work, I bless you and the nine directions, sending the love, blessing the love we are, kissing your hands. All ways true sparkling God*s sounds and colours. Thank you dear Twin Deer Mother (White Buffalo Calf Woman) for singing with me. I love you from the bottom of the heart you know this. I wish you feel this every moment. I give you a hug from here to there and we ambrace this everywhere. And do not forget to kiss holyness David :)))))
White Buffalo Calf Woman:
Always true! I love you too. Thank you, we need your love, when so many overlook this.
Thank you Grandfather! Love it (the song). Talk with you on the hoops. Sweet dreams, find the stars! Holiness sends love to you, sweet dreams! Thank you, aho/ah hu! (heavenly flight/heavenly light).
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Pray With Elders around the World
Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!