what is before the zero-point?
Who knows
what is beyond the zero-point?
Is it valor - is it curiosity?
Is it curious valor - is it courageous curiosity?
Or is it just a journey?
Unio mystica
The swan and the eagle
The one flies up
The other descends
They meet
Would the one have been a meal to the other
The one very moment
they "sea" each other (with the heart)
was the changing moment
They recognized their true essence within
From now on the flew together
flying up
descending down
gliding again
playing in their pure innocence
This allowed them
to fly through the zero-point
into the soft blackness of no-where
They became their pure essence
floating together - merging as their essence was the same, their loneliness became all-one-ness
in the glistening light
through this light
back into the black softness
where abundance is at home
where all fruits of this abundance are to be found
They glided back
to the zero-point
back through this portal
divided again
but yet not
The one landed on the water
The other in his nest
shining their light into the world

sailing on the breath the oceans of life
Pray With Elders around the World
Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!