and againLeave the people where they belong to
Let them partying their own way
A name is a name
And even it may say something to someone
It may say quite the opposite to next one
And if you cannot hear the voice - the timbre - then it is not the right voice - the right timbre to you
I sit in the light
The surrounding is dark
When the light shines
The moths seem to come
But the moths die while touching the light
So the moths can*t take the light from me
They rather die than leave the light alone
They die for the light
Will you die for the light, too?
Kiss me
I am the death
Kiss me
I am the light
I show the way (light it)
More is not to be done
I am in the all that is
And as all is
There is nothing that not is
I am a child of mother/father
And I am father/mother, too
In all my humility
The king always knows where I am
The king watches over me
The king gave me his guardians
So that I can go my way
So that I can show my light
So that I can walk my talk in seemingly new ways
I love you so - my king
Even if I do not always understand you
I know that I am your queen
and you know about all my paths
Rainbow blessings to all you Rainbow Warriors
Elder Grandfather Light (Elder Whitey Person, the Star of Heaven)

sail on the breath
Those who seek purity
will be blessed with divine vision
and will see the miracle of life
Once and again the moths kiss the light, to know blessings in the wind!
I bless the world
I bless my self
I bless you
Pray With Elders around the World
Hear Your Relatives Perfect Flowing Hearts
Listen to the Blessed Rainbow Colors of the Four Directions
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!Listen to the Blessed Rainbow Colors of the Four Directions
Image: Snowflake, our Sacred Geometry
Upon the winds of time we sail, to know the heart of all who wail. It's because we are here to embrace our love, our pain, our sorrow, our joy within. And when we learn to show our love, then God is willing to show us heard. There deep inside the winds of time, we sail upon the hearts so blind. But now, it's all going to change, because our Heaven's pour out to sing, and we are going home this day, to show the world a better way!